and Appearances

Maryjean with Regis Philbin and Kelly Ripa after her appearance on
their show.
Television Interviews
- Regis & Kelly
- KRON – (NBC Affiliate) San Francisco
- Daybreak/Evening News Family Pet - Long Island NY
- Pet Channel –Brian Kilcommins
- Animal Planet- "You Lie Like a Dog" Jan.2000
Newspaper Articles
- San Francisco Chronicle - Massage Therapist’s ‘Power
Purring’ by Bill Workman 11/26/98
- New York Daily News – "Purr"… the Joy
of Catmassage by KC Baker 1/3/99
- San Francisco Examiner - Cat Massage makes Felines
Purrrfectly Happy by Elaine Larson 3/19/99
- San Mateo County Times - Give that Kitty a Massage-
it’s the Cat’s Meow by Sarah Weld 11/6/98
- San Jose Mercury News- A Good Rubdown Makes Fluffy
Purr by Linda Goldston 11/23/98
Guest Speaker –
- 1998 & 1999 International Cat Show- Madison Square Garden,
Magazine Articles
- Dog Fancy
- Cat Fancy
- Whole Cat Journal
- I Love Cats
Book Signings
- Barnes & Noble/B. Dalton in Maui, HI, Long Island, NY, San
Mateo & San Rafael, CA